Can You Bring Aerosol Sunscreen On A Plane? Complete Guide

Beaches are the favourite vacation spot but what is it you can bathe in just for not having your favourite sunscreen?

Sounds a little disappointing. But, hold on, we can think of some packing hacks for the easy pass of your sunscreen from the security check.

Aerosol sunscreen is the new classic trend as it glides over the body like air. So can you can bring aerosol sunscreen on a plane?

What are the packing hacks? What are the limitations? Does TSA count aerosol sunscreen as flammable material?

This and many more. We are here to help you solve your queries for your relaxing beach holiday.

Let’s dig in.

Can you bring aerosol sunscreen on a plane?

Yes, aerosol sunscreen is allowed on a plane. You can bring aerosol sunscreen on a plane with the packing limitation.

You might know the packing restrictions of such items on a plane. As per TSA rules, aerosols are not allowed to be packed in the carry-on or checked baggage of more than 100ml in size. Just as one of the passeenge4 got the restriction.

Can you bring aerosols sunscreen on a plane

Furthermore, only toiletry or medicinal aerosols are allowed on a plane with the size regulation. They must be packed in quart-sized TSA zipper bags.

What TSA has to say about it?

TSA is quite concerned about performing its duty of providing safety measures for passengers. Therefore TSA does have significant packing restrictions for aerosols.

Here is what the website says:

Can you bring aerosols sunscreen on a plane TSA

As per the TSA rules and restricted item lists, aerosol sunscreens are allowed on a plane in either carry-on or checked baggage but under certain restrictions.

With TSA there is always quality and packing restriction. So you have to have your aerosol sunscreen in the 3.4oz jars packed in a quart-sized plastic bag.

Can you bring aerosol sunscreen in a carry on?

As per TSA rules for flammable aerosols, you can bring aerosol sunscreen in your Carry on only in 3.4oz containers.

Packing them in sealable zip lock quart-sized bags is also a restriction to be followed.

However, you might not worry about the small amount allowed on the plane. You can fit as many bottles of your favourite aerosol in your quart-sized plastic bag.

Can you bring aerosol sunscreen in checked luggage?

Yes without a doubt! You can bring your aerosol sunscreen in checked baggage. However, the TSA restricts the size and quantity here as well.

You are not allowed to exceed the limit of 70 ounces in total. This means that you either can bring smaller containers of aerosol sunscreens but it may not cross the total amount, or simply have the 70 ounces container.

To make sure of the right packaging and amount Alexi inquired TSA about the 6.7oz of aerosol sunscreen in the checked baggage.

To which the TSA replied in the following way

Can you bring aerosol sunscreen in checked luggage 1

Another passenger asked about how much aerosol sunscreen can be checked.

To which TSA replied with the amount restriction of not more than 18 oz for each container.

Can you bring aerosol sunscreen in checked luggage 2

And don’t worry, your baggage won’t explode in the air due to flammable aerosols. The restricted quantity saves accidents for sure.

Can you bring solid sunscreen stick on a plane?

Sunscreen stick is a quality alternative to aerosol sunscreen in terms of quantity, travel friendly and the application itself.

So yes, you can bring a solid sunscreen stick on a plane irrespective of its size and packing restriction.

Jack hit upon the TSA page to ask if he could have the solid stick sunscreen on a plane to which TSA replied with a yes without any quantity restrictions.

Can you bring solid sunscreen stick on a plane

Solids are not restricted in size and quantity. Personally, I also recommend sticking sunscreen for vacations and travelling. All you have to do is to drop the single stick in your bag and you are good for a month at least.

Can you bring liquid sunscreen on a plane?

Yes, liquid or pump jars of liquid sunscreen are allowed on a plane. However, the liquid sunscreen must follow the 3 1 1 rule. Therefore there must be a packing of 3.4 oz for carry-on and a limitless quantity for the checked baggage.

One of the passengers got to the Twitter handle of TSA to inquire how much liquid sunscreen is allowed on board, to which TSA replied in a restricted manner to follow the liquid rule

Can you bring liquid sunscreen on a plane

However, you still have to get it checked as you move across the security check.

The quick packing tips for your aerosols on plane

If you are still unsure if can you bring aerosol sunscreen on a plane, grab on to the quick packing tips below:

  • Consider the size of a 100ml container for your Carry on item
  • Do not exceed the limit of 70 ounces for the checked luggage altogether
  • Pack your aerosol sunscreen in the sealable zip-lock bags
  • Do not stuff the quart-sized bag with the smaller containers if not necessary

Final Verdict

For my final Verdict about can you bring aerosol sunscreen on a plane, I say it’s good to only pack the immediately required amount only in the carry-on. There are many chances that you will be stopped at the airport security for extra stuffing of aerosol sunscreen. However, packing them considering the amount restriction will make you through easily.

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